Seventh Grade

Grade 7 Math Curriculum Framework

  • Identify the unit rate of change and calculate unit rates associated with ratios of fractions

  • Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems (e.g., tax, gratuities, commissions, percent of increase and decrease)

  • Solve multistep word problems by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing positive and negative whole numbers, fractions and decimals

  • Construct simple equations and inequalities to solve real-world problems

  • Solve problems involving scale drawings

  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems that include angle measure, area, surface area and volume

  • Use statistics to draw inferences and make comparisons about two populations

  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively

  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

  • Model with mathematics

  • Use appropriate tools strategically

  • Attend to precision

  • Look for and make use of structure

  • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Grade 7 Literacy Curriculum Framework

  • Students will build reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, using grade 7 complex texts and other media formats

  • Analyze text explicitly citing several pieces of textual evidence and inferential observations

  • Determine the development of theme and provide an objective summary

  • Identify impacts of story and drama elements on development of characters or plot

  • Determine the connotative and figurative meanings of words/phrases and analyze the impact of rhyme, contrasts in point of view, and repetition of sound in stories and poems

  • Compare and contrast a text to its audio or multimedia version analyzing the techniques of each media format and discovering how authors portray fictional events in relationship to historical accounts of the same event

  • Plan, write, revise and share argumentative, informative and narrative pieces in a clear, organized manner using relevant evidences, dialogue/quotations, domain-specific vocabulary, cohesion and a supportive or reflective conclusion

  • Use conventions of standard English grammar with particular attention to the function of phrases/clauses and expression of concise ideas to eliminate redundancy

  • Clarify meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words/phrases with a range of strategies, including the use of Greek/Latin roots or affixes, figurative language, word relationships and nuances

  • Engage in collaborative discussions on various issues, topics and texts with diverse partners who are prepared to pose questions, elicit elaboration, comment on relevant observations, and modify their own views

  • Present ideas and claims to an audience emphasizing significant facts, valid reasoning, adaptive speaking skills, and multimedia components

Science and Social Studies Framework

Grade 7 Curriculum Resources

  • No Red Ink

  • IXL for Math, Reading, and English

  • Novel Studies: The Outsiders, Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, A Long Walk to Water, and a short story unit

  • Big Ideas Math

  • Life Science Units

  • Social Studies Units including: the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights/Amendments,  Lewis and Clark and westward expansion, and the Civil War